Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Provision of obstetrics and gynaecological services contributes a lot to improving reproductive health of women living in Malawi. At KCH these services are provided in the newest and most modern building within the campus called Ethel Mutharika Maternity Wing(EMMW). Working as a tertiary centre for maternity services in the central region of the country, the EMMW provides;


  • 3-4 Dimensional Ultrasonography

  • Diagnostic & Interventional Sonography

  • SonoSalpingography

Facilities (Obstetrics)

  • Deliveries in suites

  • Complete pregnancy management

  • High risk pregnancies

  • Antenatal care

  • Painless delivery


  • Routine preventive care (Pap smear, pelvic ultrasound, mammography & bone densitometry)

  • Colposcopy & LEEP

  • Contraception & family planning

  • Adolescent Gynaecology

  • Urogynaecology

  • Basic & Advanced gynae surgeries (Vaginal & abdominal)

  • Infertility services

  • Post abortal care

Life Style Management Programme

  • Counseling

  • Clinic for Sexual Dysfunction

Comprehensive Infertility Work-up

  • Detailed Evaluation of Partners

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Clinic

 Our services are accessed through referral system or paying service


KCH is a tertiary hospital whose core functions include research. The focus is to undertake operational research, improve research utilization, training and dissemination of research findings. Therefore, operational research need to be strengthened and carried out frequently to contribute to the quality of care at the institution, nationally and worldwide.


Functional operational research contributing to advancement of knowledge and quality tertiary health services delivery


  1. To Institutionalize operational research as a daily core function in the hospital

  2. To increase output of operational research in terms of publications

  3. To promote utilization of research evidence in leadership, management and practice


      All individuals and organizations conducting research at KCH must obtain approval from the KCH Research Committee and other relevant ethic committees prior to commencement of their study

  • All letters must be addressed to the hospital director

  • Researcher must submit one hard copy and soft copy of the following documents;

  • proposal

  • Letter seeking permission

  • Consent forms both English and Chichewa

  • data collection tools

  • Synopsis of the study

  • Receipt of the research fee

  • Support letter is issued to the researcher intending to conduct the study at KCH

  • Thereafter, ethical clearance is sought from registered research ethics committees such as NHSRC, COMREC

  • Concurrently proposal is circulated to all committee members for review

  • Researcher is requested to present the synopsis of study to the committee


Digital Radiology was first introduced at KCH in 2009 by UNC Project. The technology used then was standalone Computer Radiography (CR) system under MAVAC (Malaria Vaccine) program.

Later on, Computed Tomography (CT) was introduced (2013).It also worked in isolation, Doctors couldn’t access images in their respective departments on computers.

2016-Digital Mammography unit was installed. Stand –alone too.

2016-Fujifilm Computer Radiography (CR) (Modern CR unit) installed-standalone.

2018-Philips Digital X-ray unit installed. This prompted the introduction of Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) at KCH to facilitate the transfer of digital images to Doctors, instead of printing on films.

RAD-AID procured NAS storage server for PACS, KCH management procured workstations (used to access digital images in various departments).

Malawi Children’s Initiative brought internet and local network connectivity to Pediatrics department They also procured a workstation for accessing digital X-rays in Peads.

The department caters for in and outpatients, a range specialized medical imaging procedures in the field of ultrasound, urology, gynecology, obstetrics and gastrointestinal examinations are performed. The department is an accredited centre for training of student Radiographers and provides district hospital support through provision of basic training in clinical sonography to Radiographers from district and faith based hospitals.

The department plans to have mobile x-ray and ultrasound machine in four intensive care units of the hospital,  a total of 4 mobile x-ray machines and four Ultrasound machine for main intensive care unit a Obstetric, Medical, surgical and Peadiatric High dependency units to ensure that critical patients care is supported by  timely onsite medical imaging facilities.

For the first time KCH will have a digital mammography donated by the Indian government. This machine will allow faster and more accurate stereotactic biopsy. This will result in shorter examination times and significantly improve patient comfort and convenience

This machine is also known as dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). It is mainly used for measuring bone loss. DEXA is most often used to diagnose osteoporosis and other conditions that cause bone loss. It can also be used for assessing risk for developing fractures. 

Contact Us

The Hospital Director,

Kamuzu Central Hospital,

P.O. Box 149,

Lilongwe, Malawi

 Tel : +265 1 754 725/420

 Fax : +265 1 756 380



Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Toll Call: 181
